Creative Courant: Newsletter #19

I don’t know about you, but this year’s back to school feels completely odd.  In normal times, we would be sharpening pencils, getting folders and notebooks ready, buying new socks and lining up the sports gear for soccer and lacrosse.

This year, I feel like a college advisor as I piece together a schedule for my two children. We’ve opted to for a mixed homeschool/pod school approach so we’ve put our regular school on pause while I line up a schedule of classes like “Biology Bootcamp” and “Multiplication Fun” and “Intro to Filmmaking.”  Our local stores are out of desks and anything else that would enhance virtual learning because our region is mostly virtual school at the moment.

As we navigate through this highly unusual back to school my team has pulled together some helpful articles that will be helpful.  And, don’t panic, but in this week’s activity section we’ve pulled together some Pop Quizzes for you.  Hopefully you’ll find them fun!

Have a good weekend!



Things to Do Around the World


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